How to convert drilling layer from Gerber to Excellon format in CAM350

How to convert drilling layer from Gerber to Excellon format in CAM350

This article is only for some PCB software which cannot export the drill layer in Excellon format correctly.
If you can export the drill layer in RS-274x Gerber format, please try to convert it to Excellon format using CAM350 by DownSteam Technologies. A free evaluation version can be downloaded here.

1. Open CAM350, and go to File -> Import -> AutoImport.

2. Locate your Gerber files and click the Finish button. These Gerber files were generated by the PCBE software.

3. On the main toolbar, go to Tools -> NC Editor...

4. Then on the Navigation Pane under Tools, click
Gerber to Drill.

5. The file hole.grb is the drill layer in Gerber format, so change the Source Layer to hole.grb. Then click OK.

6. This will generate a new layer that is identical to the Gerber drill layer but in Excellon format (Layer_9).

7. To save the file, go to File -> Export -> Drill Data...

8. Check the drill layer checkbox and change the file extension to hole.drl so we can identify the layer easier.

9. Now we have the drill layer in Excellon format which can be used for Seeed Fusion PCB service.

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